The Academy of Linguistic Studies Wants You!

7/29/11  at 11:30 AM

Introducing The Academy of Linguistic Studies!

Roster of classes:
Scottish Slang
German (Instructors Wanted)
Japanese (Instructors Wanted)
Latin (Instructor Wanted)
Chinese (Instructor Wanted)

Criteria: Instructors must be comfortable using SL voice as it will be the best way to convey proper grammar in the language. Each instructor will need to have a handout to collaborate. You will have to set your own schedule but language lessons are on Saturdays and Thursdays ONLY. 3-4 teachers each day and you will need to fill up your slots for one hour. Classes are ONLY an hour long. Teachers have the right to private tutor languages, but must be hired via the school.

Follow this SLurl to the New Babbage location of The Academy of Linguistic Studies.

The Academy of Linguistic Studies was founded on July 12, 188x. Here people can attend a specific language based themed class in a relaxing environment. 90% of classes are taught by fluent speakers, and via voice.

Requirements: Must have a clear microphone for class and one hour of free time and patience... lots of it.

The Academy opens August 1, 7pm slt with a special event! Hurry and RSVP at the New Babbage forum, or drop a notecard on an instructor inworld!

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