You’ll find Fun Noir in Episode 2 of The Blackened Mirror!

9/17/12  at 3:47 AM
Now that Episode 2 of The Blackened Mirror is out – the fun (noir) continues – and viewers can explore different mysteries inworld and out.

At the safe house
At the safe house

We’re suggesting that you look into two areas …
  1. Our special webquest on hidden web pages
  2. Some secrets in the life of Harland Quinn, private investigator, which can be explored inworld
How can you find out more? Well, start with the TV show – there is a key clue there at the Java Jive – one that will take you across the grid.

The car that is the inworld prize from Episode 2 (but not in the location where you need to look!)
The car that is the inworld prize from Episode 2 (but not in the location where you need to look!
The car that is the inworld prize from Episode 2 (but not in the location where you need to look!)[/caption] Don’t forget to follow Dolores’s Twitter stream too – and Millie will have information for you on her Live Journal. You’ll find details of how to get to that elsewhere on this website! What are you looking for?  

On the web
You’ll find a web quest.

As you answer the questions in this quiz, you will need to find hidden web pages. To find them , you will need to type the name in the web bar with this prefix: and then your answer, followed by .jpg

 For example, if the answer to a question was Edgar Allen Poe, you would enter

 If it was The Blackened Mirror, you would write:

 If it was the writer M.R.James, you would enter

 If the answer is correct, you will find a web page that will give you the next clue. if you have answered wrongly, the page will not be found.

When you have answered all the questions, you will discover an important - and secret - piece of information about a key character in The Blackened Mirror. And we hope you will have had some fun too!

In Second Life There is a very important clue in the episode - something that Harland Quinn reacts too strongly when he comes across it in the Java Jive. Just a little thing ... but it gets him asking questions. Look closely, and you will find a clue to the location you need to explaore - to find some surprising information - and a rather nice prize!

And here is the prize - which goes with some surprising information ...
And here is the prize - which goes with some surprising information ...
Ready to start? Let’s take a peek at the beginning of the web quiz ...

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