We're delighted to share the following Press Release from Second Life Relay for Life:
It’s February! And Relay For Life® of Second Life® is back for some more fun and fundraising!
Teams’ registration for the seventh annual Relay For Life of Second Life opens on February 14 in preparation for fundraising from March to July, culminating in a 24-hour walk around a virtual track.
MamaP Beerbaum, the RFL of SL 2011 Event Chair, said: ‘We’re ready to go! The 2011 committee has been busy working behind the scenes and we have an amazing group of passionate volunteers who are going to make this the most fun and successful Relay For Life that Second Life has seen.’
In a few weeks you will see the new logo rezzing across the grid alongside the familiar fundraising kiosks. This year’s theme is Seasons of Hope. Because every season – Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall – is a season of hope.
One of the Great Builds at RFL 2010: St. Illuminatius Cathedral by Abel Dreamscape - photograph by PJ Trenton
To set up a team, please go to the website www.relayforlife.org/secondlife after teams’ registration opens on February 14. For more information about setting up or joining a team, IM or email one of the Teams Chairs Panza Eilde (panzaeilde@gmail.com) or PrettyKitty Gumbo (prettykittygumbo@gmail.com).
The 2011 RFL of SL Committee consists of:
Event Chair - MamaP Beerbaum (mamapbeerbaum@gmail.com)
Event Co-Chair - Dwen Dooley (dwendooley@gmail.com)
Teams and Mentors Area Chairs – Panza Eilde and PrettyKitty Gumbo
Sponsorship Area Chair – Samara Barzane
Public Relations and Marketing Area Chairs – Poppy Zabelin and Breezy Carver
Special Projects Area Chair – Katina Magic
Event Day Area Chair – Nikki Mathieson
Sim and Track Design Area Chair – Charlene Trudeau
Technology and Security Area Chair – Belle Loll
American Cancer Society representative in Second Life - Stingray9798 Raymaker

Please note these key dates:
Feb 14, 2011 – Teams’ registration opens!
March 12, 2011 -- Kick-off Party and start of fundraising
March 12-22, 2010 -- Fashion For Life
April 2-10 -- Fantasy Fair
May 7-13, 2011 -- Paint SL Purple!
May 13-22, 2011 - Home Expo
May 14-15, 2011 -- Half-Way There Fair
July 16-17, 2011 -- RELAY WEEKEND!
To keep up to date, please join our SL’s RFL Volunteers Group in Second Life, follow us on http://twitter.com/RelayForLife_SL and http://rflofsl.blogspot.com/ or ‘like’ our Facebook page ‘Relay For Life of Second Life’.
About Relay For Life of Second Life
Relay For Life® is the signature fundraiser of the American Cancer Society. Relay For Life of Second Life (RFL of SL) is an annual activity that takes place in Second Life® in July each year. Volunteers form or join teams to have fun while fundraising and raising awareness from mid-March through mid-July. In July teams build campsites and walk a track, just like in a real world Relay. The main RFL of SL track event this year will take place on July 16-17. We will walk a virtual track for 24 hours, just like in a real world Relay For Life. Team members build and gather at their team campsites, enjoy live music, participate in fun events, and explore the many Relay sims and the incredible builds by some of Second Life’s top designers, as the event runs overnight and into the next morning.
One of the Great Builds at RFL 2010: Quiet Thunder by Nico Bascom - photograph by Raven Haalan
In 2010 Relay For Life of Second Life attracted more than 120 teams with participants from over 30 countries, held over 300 team fundraising events between March and July, and raised over US$222,000 (that’s REAL US dollars) for cancer research and education. The funds raised go to research, advocacy, patient services and programs, with 12-15% going to international projects. Just as in the real world, RFL of SL is an international event.For further background information see https://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Relay_For_Life_of_Second_Life
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